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Date & Time:
27 June 2023, Tuesday, 7.00p.m. to 9.00p.m.
Sing Lit Station, #02-01, 22 Dickson Road, Singapore 209506
Let's keep things simple: we'll spend the first hour working on our writing. Or, you can share your project so the rest can share their ideas. In the second hour, we'll have a light discussion on the things we've been working on.
We'll send the meeting details closer to the date. Do remember to check your email inboxes.
This will be an in-person programme.
Only fully vaccinated participants are allowed.
We have the honour of having Crane lending us their space for us this time round!
Crane Robertson Quay is at: 46 Kim Yan Road, #01-05/06/07, Herencia, Singapore 239351.
We note we do not sell, trade or rent any personal information to any third parties. Private Information (eg email addresses) is used for Writing the City planning purposes only.
This event is proudly supported by the

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